How My Inner Child Issues Caused an insane need for External Validation, Acceptance & Attention and How I Was Able to Overcome Them.

How My Insane Need for Acceptance & Attention Created a Monster & How I Was Able to Overcome My Inner Child Issues.

Hey, it’s Mike here.

In this document I’ll show you how I overcame my need for acceptance & attention, that bleed into every area of my life and how I turned it around and how you can as well.

By the end of this document here’s what you’ll get:

Tools to meet with your inner child & how to do shadow work  /  A system for overcoming that internal battle of believing you are not enough  /  Ways to connect to yourself in a holistic way / Understanding your past so that you can create the future you want

Before we get into this deeply, if you are ready to start right now and finally leave the past behind & heal from your trauma, gain the inner peace you deserve, and the clarity you have been looking for then book your FREE call with me today to get a head start on your progress!

Book Your FREE Call Here

I get it. You're probably feeling skeptical, and honestly, I don't blame you. I've been there too, listening to all those self-proclaimed gurus promising the moon and delivering nothing but empty words.

I've spent my fair share of money on self-help books, healing sessions, and therapy, only to find myself stuck in the same old rut, repeating the same patterns without any real solutions in sight. Sure, I learned a thing or two along the way, and I even experienced some personal growth, but let's be real – most of those experiences left me feeling like I'd been taken for a ride.

You see, they gave me the surface-level answers, the temporary relief that comes from talking it out or attending a healing session. But what they didn't give me was the exact roadmap I needed – the support and tools to dig deep, to unearth the root of my problems and address them head-on.

I needed a targeted approach that would cut through the noise and get to the heart of the matter. And that's exactly what I aim to provide. Because I know firsthand the frustration of feeling like you're spinning your wheels, getting nowhere fast.

I'm here to offer you something different. Something that goes beyond the surface, beyond the fluff and filler, straight to the core of what's holding you back.

I've been where you are, and I know that with the right guidance and support, anything is possible.

Here is ultimately what happened to me, and I want to take a moment and share it with you. It destroyed my life and not just mine but the people around me who cared about me.  I just didn’t know that was happening.

This is a picture of me screwed up and partying my ass off, looking the way I did in the picture and somehow trying to help others be healthy.

I gained a ton of fat, I was drinking in excess, doing drugs, using food as a vice, sex, work & any other thing that would allow me to escape from my problems & I felt like shit, and all because I was so incredibly unhappy with myself. 

I spent most of my time self-sabotaging anything good that was coming my way. 

I didn’t deserve a damn thing, or so at least I thought.

I lost a successful first business I built from the ground up, I was going through a business dissolution, divorce and the potential of losing my son. 

I was at rock bottom. 

This is a picture of me today:

This is a picture of me after the last 5 years of diving deep into the core of my healing. 

For the first time in my adult life, I was feeling happy, and the most emotionally clear I had been in my entire life. I knew why I had made the poor decisions I did; I knew that I didn’t need to make them anymore. I could start living in a different way. 

I was able to have a heartfelt conversation with my ex-wife about the realities of my behavior.

I was able to discuss the future of my relationship with my son and start the process of healing our relationship. 

I had the energy to do what I loved to do and be with the people I cared about most.

I had the clarity to know what I had to do and felt confident that no matter where life took me, I would be ok.

I was at peace.

I am still in that state of mind today, years later and I have never gone back to the ways that got me into such a deep state of suffering and inner chaos. I am on a constant path of success, healing and nurturing myself to be a better human everyday of my life.

How was my healing possible?

What was it that I needed this whole time that I was missing?
The same thing we all need.

•  Love & Self-Acceptance

•  I need to feel like I was making a difference, in my life and the lives of the people I was touching and working with

I wanted to be a part of a bigger whole and I knew that community was at the forefront for me

The chronic pattern of being someone I wasn’t, was holding me back from living the life I knew I wanted to live. The life I felt in my heart every day that I was fighting for.

After 30+ years of fighting within myself to be someone I wasn’t finally caught up with me and gave me an extreme push to change. I had an experience that was much needed to help me become who I am today. I wore masks, simply because I kept being what everyone else thought I should be. 

I asked myself this…

How many years have I been struggling to be me?

How much more time was I going to devote to being someone I wasn’t?

How many heartbreaks will I need to be in before I get it?

How much more pain will it take before I can live in peace?

After those questions, came the real questions…….

Why do I keep choosing the same person but just in a different body?

I didn’t have the answer for this just yet, but almost immediately came the second question without me thinking about it.

What was the common denominator in all my relationships?  The answer blew me away and left me crying for the next 2 hours straight.

I cried, but this was different and so needed.

This was the bottom I needed to hit.

This was a new beginning.

This dysfunctional pattern had taken the life I wanted from me, and I was done.

I was ready to reclaim for my life to change.

In that moment I saw every decision, every bad choice, it was all right there flashing before me like a movie. I knew where it all came from, an old software program that was created in childhood and teen years that kept replaying itself into my adult life.

I know it will sound insane to you, but in the blink of an eye I was different and felt different. I felt like all that hurt and pain that I felt, the need for acceptance, validation, and approval was gone.

I no longer needed it from external sources as I was able to trust in myself and tell myself that I was enough. NO ONE had to tell me this but ME!

I now use the strategy that I built as a result of my healing to help others heal in a shorter amount of time:

Rachel Jylkka-Tesler

Amazing, transformative experience. I felt very safe and could put my full self into the experience. I highly recommend sessions with Michael.

Stephanie Read

Went on a powerful Shamanic Journey led by Mike this summer. I've continued to integrate the information and benefit from what I discovered since then. I was in such capable and powerful hands. Really recommend if you are ready for healing and deeper understanding of yourself.


The System for Healing Your Past & Living Authentically from the Heart




There are 4 things that we need if we want to heal our past and live life authentically.

These things are non-negotiable.

If you are missing even 1 of these 4 things in any significant way you are struggling.

If you’re missing 2, you’re in a crisis.

If you’re missing 3, you’re experiencing a genuine catastrophe.

I call these 4 things, The 4 Keys to Healing, because depending on how strong the balance between these 4 keys are, the more likely it is that you’re living a happy, successful and fulfilled life, whatever that means to you.

The 4 Keys to Overcoming Your Past & Unlocking Your Future


As I discuss addiction, I am not just referring to Drugs & Alcohol as those are the most common and the ones that are seen the most but there are so many others and every one of our them comes from the fact that we are trying to find a solution to problem. We are looking to escape; this program and process involves looking deep within yourself and your core to address the root causes of your trauma and heal. 

This is not just for drugs & alcohol but for all those that use different vices to escape reality and want to finally return home within themselves & heal and feel like they matter.

Key 1: Reflective Insight and Self-Awareness

If you're serious about kicking addiction to the curb, you've got to start with some serious soul-searching. I'm talking about diving deep into the murky waters of your own mind and heart to figure out what's really going on under the surface.

First off, reflection isn't just some fancy word for thinking about stuff. It's about digging into the trenches of your past, your emotions, your habits – all that messy stuff that's been swirling around in your head for who knows how long. It's about asking tough questions and being honest with yourself, even when it hurts like hell.

Now, awareness? That's like the lightbulb moment that comes after all that digging. It's about seeing your addictions, co-dependencies, patterns of behaviors for what they really are – not just a bad habit, but a wrecking ball that's been smashing through every corner of your life. It's about waking up to the fact that your issues aren’t just messing with your health, but your relationships, your job, your whole damn existence.

But here's the kicker: awareness isn't just about knowing your issues. It's about understanding why you do what you do. It's about peeling back the layers of your conscious and subconscious mind to see what makes you tick – and what makes you reach for that bottle or that needle or that pill every damn time or that relationship, too much work whatever your addiction is that is having you escape from reality.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Reflection, awareness – it all sounds like some hippie-dippie nonsense. It's about getting to the root of your addiction instead of just slapping a Band-Aid on it and calling it a day.

So, how do you do it? Well, that's where deep dive coaching sessions come into play. These sessions aren’t just about sitting around and talking – they're about getting down to business and doing the hard work of healing your mind, body, and soul.

Key 2: Delving into the Depths of Self-Exploration

Digging deep into the trenches of your own soul. We're not just scratching the surface here – we're diving headfirst into the murky waters of your innermost self. And trust me, there's a whole lot down there that you probably haven't even begun to uncover.

This is some serious soul-searching, the kind of journey that'll have you questioning everything you thought you knew about yourself. We're talking about peeling back the layers, confronting the demons that have been lurking in the shadows, and coming face to face with the parts of yourself that you've been too afraid to acknowledge.

This exploration isn’t just about dredging up all the dark and twisty stuff. It's about uncovering the hidden gems, the buried treasure that's been waiting patiently for you to discover it. It's about tapping into your true potential, unleashing the power that's been lying dormant inside of you all this time.

Think of it like a compass, guiding you toward a path that's in sync with your authentic self. No more wandering aimlessly through the wilderness – with this key, you'll finally find your true north.

Now, inner child healing and shadow work?  They're the real deal. Inner child healing is about reconnecting with the kid you used to be – the one who had dreams as big as the sky and a heart full of wonder. It's about healing the wounds that were inflicted in those formative years, so you can finally move forward unburdened by the past.

And shadow work? That's about facing the parts of yourself that you'd rather keep hidden – the fears, the insecurities, the ugly truths that we all carry deep inside. It's about shining a light on the darkness, so you can finally let go of the shame and embrace the fullness of who you are.

That's where coaching sessions, meditation, and energy healing come into play. They're like the tools in your toolkit, helping you to navigate the twists and turns of this inner journey with courage and clarity.

Key 3: Navigating the Depths of Emotional Processing

Emotions. I'm not talking about the surface-level stuff – I'm talking about diving deep into the murky waters of your innermost feelings. Because let's face it, emotions are messy. They're complicated. And most of the time, they're downright confusing.

But here's the thing – emotions aren’t just random bursts of energy. They're messengers, each carrying valuable insights about what's really going on inside your head and your heart. And if you're willing to listen, they can teach you a whole lot about yourself.

So, emotional processing? It's like opening a dialogue with your feelings, inviting them in for a cup of coffee and a heart-to-heart chat. It's about creating a safe space where you can explore the full range of human emotion – from joy and excitement to fear and sadness – without judgment or shame.

Now, here's the kicker – emotional processing isn’t about getting rid of your feelings. It's about embracing them, integrating them into your lived experience. It's about learning to ride the waves of emotion, rather than getting swept away by them.

And let me tell you, this isn’t an easy task. It's going to take some serious inner work, some heavy lifting of the soul. But trust me, it's worth it. Because as you dive deeper into the depths of your emotional world, you'll witness the evolution of your responses. You'll start to see patterns emerge, connections form. And slowly but surely, you'll cultivate a deeper understanding of who you are and why you feel the way you do.

Now, when it comes to this key, we're going to be diving headfirst into energy healing. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit out there, but hear me out. Energy healing is like giving your emotions a tune-up, clearing out the gunk and getting everything flowing smoothly again. We will also incorporate coaching sessions to discuss what comes up and how to work through it. Because at the end of the day, it's all about finding what works for you and your journey towards emotional wholeness.

This isn’t going to be a walk in the park. But I promise you, if you're willing to do the work, you'll emerge on the other side with a newfound sense of clarity, resilience, and inner peace.

Key 4: Embracing the Evolution of Self

Integration – because change isn’t just about making a few tweaks here and there. It's about fully embracing the new version of yourself that's emerging from the ashes of your old life.

First things first, reflection isn’t just about patting yourself on the back for a job well done. It's about taking a long, hard look in the mirror and acknowledging the progress you've made, the challenges you've faced, and the lessons you've learned along the way. It's about owning your journey, both the highs and the lows, and recognizing how far you've come.

But here's the thing – integration isn’t just about looking back. It's about looking forward, too. It's about developing a sustainable plan for ongoing growth, continued healing, and long-term well-being. Because let's face it, change isn’t a one-and-done deal. It's a lifelong journey, a constant evolution of self.

Now, when it comes to this key. We will include energy healing, somatic movement, and coaching sessions – because integration isn’t just about talking the talk, it's about walking the walk. It's about embodying the lessons you've learned, integrating them into your daily life, and introducing yourself to the new you that's waiting to be unleashed.

This isn’t the end of the road – it's just the beginning of a new chapter in your journey towards wholeness and well-being. And with the right tools, the right mindset, and the right support, I know you've got what it takes to make it happen.

There's a different path to recovery – one that's rooted in holistic healing.

If the thought of embarking on the journey to recovery feels daunting, trust me, I've been there. That's why I've developed this program, drawing from my own experiences, to offer a structured and supportive approach to healing through holistic modalities.

I know firsthand the challenges you're facing because I've walked that same road. I've stumbled, fallen, and picked myself back up countless times. And I get it – the fear of trying again, the fear of failing all over again.

But here's the thing: staying stuck in the same place isn't easing the pain; it's just prolonging it. So, I had to ask myself: which pain is worth enduring in the end?

I've tried everything under the sun – affirmations, mantras, meditation – you name it. But what I realized is that without delving deep into the root of the issue, they're just temporary fixes, like band-aids on a wound.

I understand the emotional and mental strain that comes with the recovery journey. That's why I've shifted my focus to intelligence and mental well-being, aiming to reduce stress and empower healthier choices.

And if you've ever felt let down by programs that lack a holistic approach, I hear you. That's why I've crafted a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the interconnected aspects of addiction and addresses them collectively.

I know how vital a supportive community is during this journey. That's why I emphasize the importance of fostering connections with others on similar paths, creating a network of encouragement and understanding.

But here's the truth: clarity is key. I realized that in order to continue my own path of recovery and healing, I needed clarity and insight into both my inner and outer worlds. And part of that journey involves becoming aware of our addictions – understanding what they are and why they've taken hold of us. Because let's face it, anything can become an addiction when we're seeking an escape from our problems.

5-Step Process to Transforming Your Life and Healing from Trauma & Not Using Addictions as a Solution

1.    Self-Reflection and Awareness: Start by taking a deep dive into your own mind and heart. Reflect on the root causes and triggers of your trauma. Explore your conscious and subconscious self to understand how you have looked outside of yourself and how it has impacted various aspects of your life. Cultivate awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors without judgment. This step sets the foundation for understanding the patterns and dynamics of your trauma.

2.    Seek Support and Guidance: Acknowledge that healing from your trauma is not a journey you have to take alone. Reach out for support from trusted friends, family members, or support groups. Consider working with a coach or therapist, someone who can provide guidance, tools, and strategies tailored to your specific needs. Surround yourself with a supportive community that understands and respects your journey towards healing.

3.    Explore Inner Self and Emotional Processing: Engage in inner exploration to uncover hidden facets of yourself and confront underlying emotional wounds. Practice emotional processing by consciously engaging with your feelings, understanding their messages, and integrating them into your lived experience. Embrace inner child healing and shadow work to better understand yourself and your behaviors. Explore holistic modalities such as energy healing, somatic movement, and mindfulness practices to deepen your emotional awareness and healing process.

4.    Develop Coping Mechanisms and Healthy Habits: Replace addictive behaviors with healthier coping mechanisms and habits that support your well-being. Identify triggers and stressors that contribute to addictive patterns and develop alternative ways to cope with them. Incorporate self-care practices such as regular exercise, nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques into your daily routine. Cultivate hobbies, interests, and meaningful connections that bring joy and fulfillment into your life.

5.    Create a Sustainable Recovery Plan: Develop a comprehensive and personalized recovery plan that addresses your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. Set realistic goals and milestones for your healing & recovery journey and track your progress along the way. Utilize relapse prevention strategies to anticipate and cope with potential challenges or setbacks. Stay committed to ongoing growth, learning, and self-improvement. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and be gentle with yourself during times of difficulty. Remember that healing is a journey, and every step forward is a triumph worth celebrating.

Now comes the hardest part.

85% of People Fail The 5-Step Process & End Up Repeating The Pattern of Stress, & Slipping Back Into Old Habits & Patterns Because It’s Easy To Do So

So how are you going to succeed?

What is it that will help you so that you won’t have to repeat my patterns in life?

It comes down to one thing, a serious commitment to yourself and to your growth as a human. You want to be better, but you think you don’t deserve it. We have to go deep and access those parts of you that think you are not enough and help you see that you were meant to do great things with your life. We all are!

I make it sound easy but it’s not. It takes a willingness to see that you have an old software program installed from childhood and we need to take that program and rewire it. 

You may not know if you were just a month or two away from a significantly better life from the one you live today and that shouldn’t sound as daunting of a task knowing that you don’t need to dedicate 100% of your energy into something 24/7 for it to work out.

Most people rarely give 100% of their focus and energy unless it’s in a momentary burst where they need to get something done.


Because they know how to pace themselves and save their energy for when it matters most.

So where do I start?

This is a question I wish I had guidance on in my own journey…

What I can say with high confidence at this point is that if you have made it this far down in this document it’s likely you’re very similar to me.

You want to be better, you want to change, you want more out of life than always feeling like the person that can’t get it right.

I spent years trying to figure it out and played the victim, always asking why is this happening to me and never taking responsibility for my issue, my behavior.

The #1 thing I changed to get to where I am today in helping others do the same I did. I found my tribe, my people that helped me see things in a way that I understood, and they could relate to me. 

Who are some people to consider looking for in your specialized support network?

• Accountability partners?   Yup.
• Personal Coaches?   Sure.
• Friends with skills?   Sure.
• Family?   Eh… Usually not a good idea, they have a preconceived image of you and will not be able to look past that for some time. Too much history…..
• Mentors?   Definitely!

It should feel good and natural to work with anyone who is going to take a role like this in your life. You need to vibe with this person.

In an ideal scenario a mentor/coach should have something you are looking to get.

You must be respectful of your needs from this relationship. It’s better to be patient until you find somebody that your heart screams, THEY’RE THE ONE!

Look, I was struggling, I was lost.

I was desperate for connection with people who could show me where I was lost and give me insights into what I could do to overcome myself. I was my own worst enemy.

I needed their help to guide me back to… myself, repeatedly.

Finding somebody who has a specific focus to support us in the ways we need is like throwing fuel on the fire to get it going to the level we want.

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I’m serious.

There was NOTHING more effective for me than bringing in other people in a conscious way to support me in my goals, ambitions, and daily work.

What Now?

Choice 1 (Please don’t do this): You can continue to navigate through life with the weight of unresolved trauma holding you back, stuck in a loop that drains your vitality and joy.

We both know that if you don’t change, you’ll remain trapped in this cycle.

This pattern has been robbing you of your peace and happiness, and I can sense that you’ve attempted to address it before, but here you are, still struggling…

Choice 2: You can try to implement the strategies I've outlined in this document based on the insights you’ve gained here.

This system is solid, and it holds the potential for significant shifts in your life. However, it won't be without its challenges, hurdles, and the need for additional guidance.

It's impossible to cover every detail of what you'll encounter because your experiences and needs are unique.

Choice 3: You can work one-on-one with me and receive tailored support throughout the entire healing journey.

You will see improvement in your life within the first month.

This option is ideal if…

• You desire specialized guidance from a professional dedicated to supporting YOUR journey.

• You prefer not to have to build an entire support network for this process.

• You seek rapid results with minimal energy expenditure.

What do you gain by committing to my program?

·       One-on-one coaching sessions with me

·       24/7 access to communicate with me via Telegram, with responses offered within 24 business hours.

·       Healing sessions that meet you where you are each day and can range from energy healing to somatic movement to assisted stretching.

·       One emergency session per month for you to use when something comes up between regular coaching sessions.

By the end of the first month, you will notice a difference in how you feel & think.

To emphasize, you'll have unrestricted access to me throughout the entire process.

If you make a commitment to me, I'm also making a commitment to you.

I don’t want you to endure the suffering I did, and as long as you're dedicated to the work, it's likely you'll never experience the same level of trauma again after completing this program and transforming your relationship with it.

So… If you’re, struggling to find purpose and clarity in life…

And you’re ready to commit to finally breaking free from the cycle of trauma, so you can lead the fulfilling life you deserve, schedule a call with me.

Schedule Your Call Here

More Client Success Stories – You Can Find These on My Google Page

Marie Robledo

So much came out of this for me. I really didn’t know what to expect at first, but I kept an open mind and I’m very glad I did. It was an amazing experience. Just like the name, it really is a journey.

Mike was able to guide me to a very calm and spiritual place. I was able to connect with my past and acknowledge some traumatic events that I had blocked out. In doing so, I had the tools to start healing from these events and move forward. Like a huge weight has been lifted.

Mike teaches you how to go back to this place or “state” whenever you want, which I do often.

I would recommend taking advantage of the consultation that they offer. There really is something for anyone that wants to improve and evolve both physically and mentally.

Macci Ciambra Rosado

I have gone to Mike for 2 healing sessions. Never in my life have I had such dramatic realizations and life changing experiences than during these sessions.

Mike meets you where you are at, and I was ready to dive deep and start healing lifetimes of pain.

I felt supported, safe and grounded during our sessions and can honestly say working with Mike was EXACTLY what I needed to move forward on a new soul aligned path! Thank you, Mike, from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

Tayla D'Avolio

I honestly didn't know what to expect about doing my first healing session, but I was excited. Simply just from the outside of the studio space is the scent of palo santos, which already opened up my senses to the experience and matched the calming, clear, positive energy once I stepped foot inside.

Greeted by Michael, I immediately felt at ease, and my head was zinging from all the energy in the room. I could tell this was going to be powerful.

Michael is extremely intuitive and was spot on with the visions and emotions I was experiencing during my session.

I was harboring some emotions and recognized my own wall built up at first, but with Michael as your guide, I promise you, you are in good hands to surrender.

This experience helped me dive deep into my healing, and I am so thankful for the expertise Michael has under his belt to provide this type of support for myself and so many others.

Highly recommend and will definitely be back!

There is no better time than now, because if not now, When?

Schedule Your FREE Call Here

I’m eager to learn more about your situation and how I can assist you. Together, we’ll develop a tailored approach to healing your trauma and take it from there.

Looking forward to connecting with you! (If we haven’t already)


This section below is specifically for men, as we need a place separate from women to express ourselves without fear, judgement or ridicule.  I have created Brotherhood Haven a sanctuary for men to come together and share themselves just as they are learning from their experiences.


In today's rapidly changing world, men everywhere are feeling the call to awaken from the confusion surrounding masculinity.

Our work is not about quick fixes; it's about empowering men to navigate life with an open heart and handle the pressures that come their way.

Reserve Your Seat at an Introductory Meeting

Danvers Wellness Center

Danvers Wellness Center Mission

Danvers Wellness Center by Soul Warrior is dedicated to helping its members heal Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually through healing modalities such as: Movement Therapy, Personal Training, Stretch Sessions, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing Sessions, Reiki, Meditation, Nutrition Coaching, Community & Healing Circles & Educational Workshops.

Evolve or Remain Episode 4 Trauma, drugs, alcohol and how it almost killed us


Evolve or Remain Podcast Interview with Melissa McGlaughlin