Going Beyond:

Healing Roots - Rewiring Lives

An Immersive & transformative Coaching & Healing PRogram that will benefit every area of your life.

At Danvers Wellness Center, we believe in going beyond traditional approaches so we can embrace holistic healing from the inside out. Going Beyond: Healing Roots, Rewiring Lives does this by embracing a holistic and integrative methodology that delves deep into the roots of trauma, unresolved issues and unprocessed emotions to reach recovery. Our program employs Inner Child Work, Shadow Work, and Emotion Processing to foster true healing, complemented by the powerful concept of neuroplasticity.

In understanding why we are addicted, we have to acknowledge that our addiction stems from a disconnection from ourselves. If we are disconnected from ourselves then we are disconnected from the world around us. If disconnection leads to addiction, then healing leads to wholeness which leads to recovery.

There is a new way to recovery- through healing…

If the idea of recovery seems overwhelming and far off, there is hope. Our program provides a structured and supportive path to recovery through holistic healing modalities. We have been exactly where you are now and understand the challenges you are experiencing, but we also know with time, work, and consistency there is hope.

We Understand Failed Past Attempts:

If previous attempts at recovery have been unsuccessful, our personalized and holistic approach addresses underlying issues for a more comprehensive and effective recovery and healing journey.

We Know the Emotional and Mental Strain:

For those experiencing emotional and mental strain during the recovery and healing journey, our program focuses on emotional intelligence and mental well-being to alleviate stress and empower healthier choices.

We See the Lack of Holistic Approach:

If you've struggled with programs that lack a holistic approach, our comprehensive program acknowledges the interconnected aspects of addiction and addresses them collectively.

We Get the Craving a Supportive Community:

 If the absence of a supportive community has hindered your recovery progress, our program fosters connections with individuals on similar journeys, creating a network of encouragement and understanding.

4 keys to overcoming your past and unlocking your future

key 1:

Reflection & Awareness

Engage in deep self-reflection to understand the root causes and triggers of your addiction.

Cultivate awareness of the impact of addiction on various aspects of your life.

Learn more about your conscious and subconscious self and how this affects different aspects of your life.

This key incorporates coaching sessions, meditation, and energy healing to aid in the reflection process. These sessions will be transformative to your holistic healing & allows you to engage with your healing process in new ways.


Exploration of the Inner Self

Uncover facets of yourself that may have been hidden. This exploration is a process of self-discovery, revealing the depths of your potential.

This key serves as a compass, guiding you toward a path aligned with your authentic self.

Here, we will go through inner child healing and shadow work in order to help you to better understand yourself and your behaviors.

This key incorporates coaching sessions, meditation and energy healing to help you to discover yourself on a deeper level.


Emotional Processing

Emotional processing is an invitation to consciously engage with your feelings, where emotions are not judged but embraced as messengers, each carrying valuable insights about your inner world.

Emotional processing is not about erasing emotions but integrating them into your lived experience. Witness the evolution of your emotional responses as you cultivate a deeper understanding of self.

This key will be heavily focused on energy healing, but will also include somatic movement and coaching sessions.


Intergration of the New self

This is a chance for you to reflect on progress, achievements, and challenges you’ve had.

Together, we will develop a sustainable plan for ongoing growth, continued healing, and long-term well-being.

This key includes energy healing, somatic movement, and coaching sessions to help you integrate what you’ve learned and introduce yourself to the new you!

Gaining clarity

Behavioral Addictions:

  • Gambling

  • Internet or gaming

  • Sex

  • Shopping

  • Food - sugar, excessive eating, undereating, dieting, etc.

  • People pleasing

Technology-related Addictions:

  • Smartphone

  • Social media

In order to continue on your path of recovery and healing, we need to gain clarity and insight of our inner and outer worlds. A piece of that is awareness of our addictions, including what it is we are addicted to & WHY? Once we identify the WHY, we can then delve deeper into understanding WHY this addiction has developed within us.

Trauma is always at the forefront of choosing an escape and overtime those escapes can become addictions, some of us are wired this way and are most susceptible to addiction. Whichever it is, YOU CAN HEAL!

Here are just a few of the types of addictions we specialize in.

Work Related Addictions:

  • Workaholism

  • Work-related stress

  • Pursuit of success

Emotional Addictions:

  • Love

  • Codependency

  • Relationship

Social Addictions:

  • Approval or validation seeking

  • Peer approval

Psychological Addictions:

  • Video game

  • Compulsive lying or pathological lying

Spiritual Addictions:

  • Spiritual bypassing (using spirituality to avoid dealing with emotional issues)

Transformative Healing with Neuroplasticity

Empowerment for Lasting Recovery

Empower yourself to rewrite your narrative, free yourself from the chains of addiction, and embark on a journey toward lasting recovery, holistic well-being, and a rewired, resilient mind.

Going Beyond: Healing Roots - Rewiring Lives is a holistic Spiritual life coaching and healing program designed to help individuals heal from inner child trauma and reclaim their authentic selves. Through a combination of compassionate coaching sessions, healing techniques, and personalized guidance, this program aims to empower participants to heal emotional wounds, nurture their inner child, and cultivate a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Get Started today!

Join the Holistic Path to Recovery and Healing:

Our Going Beyond: Healing Roots - Rewiring Lives program is designed to support you every step of the way, providing the tools and guidance needed to rebuild your life beyond addiction. Embrace the power of holistic healing and personalized coaching to create a future filled with purpose, well-being, and fulfillment.

Questions? Let us know! Or book your free 30 minute virtual consultation today.