personal training


Realize your objectives by taking a personalized, no-nonsense approach to your workouts that produce results in a shorter time frame than if you were to go it alone.  With a Certified Personal Trainer / Coach by your side, you are not alone in this journey; we are here to help you.

personal training services Danvers Wellness Center Danvers MA

using a Personal Trainer, to turn stagnant energy into physical results

Working with one of our trainers will give you more than just a run-of-the-mill workout routine, they will tailor everything to your individual energy, needs, and goals.

Whether you plan to run a marathon, get stronger, or just feel better in your body, you are in good hands here at Danvers Wellness Center.

personal training services Danvers Wellness Center Danvers MA

Benefits of working with a Personal Trainer:

  • Expert Guidance: Personal trainers and coaches are professionals with expertise in exercise, nutrition, or specific areas of personal development. They provide you with guidance based on their knowledge and experience.

  • Customized Workouts: A personal trainer creates workout plans tailored to your fitness level, goals, and any limitations or health concerns you may have. This personalized approach maximizes the effectiveness of your workouts.

  • Motivation and Accountability: Having a scheduled appointment with a trainer or coach can be a powerful motivator. They hold you accountable for your fitness or personal development goals, making it more likely that you'll stay on track.

  • Efficiency: Personal trainers optimize your workout time. They design efficient routines that target specific goals, reducing the risk of wasting time on ineffective exercises.

  • Variety: Trainers introduce variety into your workouts, preventing boredom and plateaus. This variety can also help you discover new activities you enjoy.

  • Proper Technique: Trainers ensure you use proper form and technique during exercises, reducing the risk of injury and helping you get the most out of each movement.

  • Goal Achievement: Whether your goals are related to weight loss, muscle gain, improved athletic performance, or personal growth, a coach or trainer helps you set achievable objectives and provides the guidance to reach them.


our danvers wellness center personal trainers

  • A smiling photo of co-owner Michael Locolle in a grey shirt in front of a wall of workout equipment

    michael locolle

    Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach, Certified Master Life Coach & Nutrition Coach, Movement Specialist in Assisted Stretch

  • Photo of personal trainer Katie Silva in front of a squat rack and plates

    katie silva

    Certified Personal Trainer

Book your Personal training Consultation today!